10 Common Professional Cleaning Tools And Their Specific Functions

How can we talk about cleaning without mentioning the professional cleaning tools needed to get the cleaning done. Ask someone to help you clean something, the response you will most likely get is: “what should I use in cleaning”?
If you have the professional cleaning tools required for cleaning, you should get the result you want. We mean a sparkling clean floor if it’s the floor you are cleaning or a clear screen surface if it’s a TV you are cleaning.
Depending on what you want to be cleaned, you need specific professional cleaning tools to get the best result. In this article we analyse some professional cleaning equipment and their uses.
Trust, this is going to be a good read for you, you will be surprised at what the No.7 tools can do.
10 Common Professional Cleaning Tools And Their Specific Functions
Spray bottle
The spray bottle is a small but effective professional cleaning tool. It usually has syphon tube attached to a displacement pump/presser that can squirt, spray or mist fluids. The pump draws liquid up a syphon tube from the bottom of the bottle and forces it through a nozzle.
This tool is suitable in cleaning the surface of furniture and glasses. It could also be used for personal grooming. If you want to use soap and water efficiently while cleaning, then you should get a spray bottle.
Cleaning of furniture and glasses has been made easy, thanks to the spray bottle. Now you don’t need that big bowl filled with water. They’re also great for misting cloth before ironing, and to train pets to stay off the furniture. You should try it out.
Yes! You read it correctly. Toothbrushes are one of the professional cleaning tools. A toothbrush comes in handy when you need more detailed cleaning. The toothbrush adds a little more details in cleaning than a regular scrub brush.
Cleaning sink rims, bathroom shower and all the other nooks and crannies of the house is easier with the toothbrush as oppose to the scrub brush which is best suited for cleaning more hard and rough surfaces.
Maybe you don’t need to buy a new toothbrush for your cleaning, simply disinfect some of your old toothbrushes; you should be good to go with that.
Surface cleaners ( Mop, Broom and Packer)
We have categorized the broom, packer and mopping stick as surface cleaners majorly because they are used for cleaning the hard surfaces. The mop is used to clean the tile and concrete floors, while the broom is mostly used to sweep an uncemented floor.
An average Nigerian family knows how important the broom is to cleaning, even a political party in Nigeria have the iconic broom as part of its party’s flag. To most of the party supporters, they see the broom as a symbol of transparency and a corrupt free country.
Interesting to note here that, these are most affordable cleaning tools you can get, for as low as N250.00
Vacuum cleaner
The vacuum cleaner is one of the advanced tools that have been highlighted, it is powered by electricity.
The vacuum cleaner basically sucks up air. The low-pressure air that goes into the vacuum cleaner draws up small objects which get trapped under tables, beds, cupboard or bags.
With the vacuum cleaner, there is no hiding place for the small object who could either been displaced by air or human activity.
Cleaning rugs and artificial grasses are a lot easier with the vacuum cleaner. If you have eyes on the latest fancy rugs, you need to get vacuum cleaner or perhaps get us to do the cleaning for you.
Scrub brush
The scrub brush is a brush with hard bristles used for heavy cleaning, unlike the toothbrush that has lighter bristles.
It is best suited for tough materials like car tyres, leather bags, and jeans. Caution must be taken when using the scrub brush; its usage could be abused especially if used for relatively lighter jeans.
Bucket/pail is one tool that we can say is the mother of the tools that have been listed; it is used to keep tools like safety gloves, spray bottles, towel and detergents.
The obvious use of bucket will be to get water for cleaning, it is practically impossible to remove the bucket from this list.
There are other tools that can actually serve as substitutes to the bucket; a bowl can also be used depending on what you want to clean.
Towels (White)
Having towels are good, but having a white towel is better, the reason is; it’s a good way to know whether the cleaning has been done properly.
It’s more like your indicator. The good thing about white towels is that dents are always glaring, you’ll know when they’re dirty, and they can be easily bleached and disinfected without getting ruined.
There are varieties of sponges you can get at the market/store; it’s however important to get one that is dual purpose.
But if you want to explore your option by getting a different kind of sponges, you can try out the cloth sponges, foam sponges, kitchen sponges or silicone sponges that last almost forever.
The cloth sponges are good with dishes, but you might need the silicone sponges for tougher washes.
Extension dusting brush
The extension dusting brush is a long rod with very light bristle attached to the extension.
Unless you are 7ft tall, dusting the ceilings can be daunting; you will need to get a stool or small ladder to remove cobwebs.
The extension dusting brush help in cleaning household items like the ceiling fan, chandeliers and kitchen wardrobes and other equipment that is usually hanged.
Floor and Furniture Polisher
How about adding the finishing touch to your cleaning? A floor and furniture polisher will leave your home or office sparkling.
The polisher is made of a combination of silicones, waxes and solvents. There are several brands in the Nigerian market. Do well to get one at your next shopping.
We will like to know what result you get after using the polish.
The aforementioned is a non-exhaustive list of items for cleaning. We like you to tell us what your most effective cleaning tool is.
Please use the comment box below to send your feedback.