4 Workplace Problems Cleaning Can help you solve

The factors of production is not complete the labor force. You need people regardless of your scale of business. In a bit to reduce production time and reduce human error, some production processes have been automated thanks to the advancement in technology.
However, the labour part is still hard to do away with because you need someone to operate these special machines. Employees are critical to the success of any business, if you recruit wrongly, your company’s objectives may not be met. This is the reason most businesses now have a Human Resource Department to ensure that they employ the best candidates for vacant offices. For businesses who are unable to create HR office, they outsource vacancies to reputable other HR companies.
4 Workplace Problems Cleaning Can help you solve
Here are 4 ways to use a cleaning company to create a happy, healthy team.
Improve Motivation and Commitment
Staff who work in a clean office feel that they are cared for more than those who report to a dirty or unsafe workspace. Overflowing trash, unsanitary bathrooms, and even disorganization of supplies gives the impression that staff (and customers) aren’t important enough to have a clean workspace.
For instance, employees who have a health insurance package are more likely to be more committed to work compared to those who do not have. They tend to see the success and progress of the company they work for with more seriousness.
Improve Staff Loyalty
When the standard is set for a high level of cleanliness, employees are most like to follow suit and show pride for their work place.
More common is staffs taking photo-selfies and posting them on their social media pages whether for promotional purposes or for personal use – this wouldn’t be possible if their workplace isn’t not looking clean.
It helps to create a cleaning culture among staff, no staff will like to see his or her desk and floors littered with paper and food crumbs, because ants and rodent get attracted to food crumbs, and we all know what menace rodents can be in the workplace.
Truly, your employees may not begin cleaning the bathrooms, but they are more likely to pick up dirts on the floor or return office stationaries to the appropriate place of storage after us.
At Kleenrite, we reinforced the essence of this culture among the employees of the site where our services are required.
Reduce Sick Leave
Employees are like component of a machine, if one part is missing it is impossible for a the machine to function at full capacity, depending on who is missing at work, some processes don’t even work because their skill and expertise is most critical in the production processes.
Having a clean environment to work and live in will reduce the cross contamination, which effectively reduces the spread of disease among employee. You will recall that washing of hands and the use of hand sanitizers were part of the precautionary measure against the spread of coronavirus. Good cleaning practice improves the quality of air.
Help you focus on Core Job function
It will be hard to get the best from your staff if you include cleaning to their job function. Imagine having your secretary to mob the floor every morning, they will look all stressed out even before they start the days job. This is not a healthy practice and it should be discouraged.
Without the proper equipment, training, or cleaning supplies, employees could create a dangerous situation for themselves or others. The best option is for company to employ or assign the job to someone who have some kind of experience in cleaning, it could be outsourced or assigned to someone in-house.
Action point
Kleenrite Cleaning Services is an award-winning commercial cleaning company with over 30 years’ experience in cleaning services. Call us today for a free cleaning assessment of your office. Let’s help you get the best for your business.