5 Tips for Moving-in Cleaning

In Nigeria, the month of November and December is characterized by relocation, it is that time of the year when families decide to relocate, though due to various reasons, but a recent survey further reveals an increase in the number of relocations compare to other months of the year.
So, whether you are renting or buying a home, you will be optimistic that you will have a great time living in your new house. But on top of your first checklist when moving or planning to move is how you want to deep clean the house because you would have already visualized how you want the spaces to be filled.
When moving into a new house, cleaning it before you move in is ideal, since you won’t have to deal with boxes and furniture. It’s okay to wait until after moving to clean – just don’t skip it entirely. You can also call in a cleaning company like Kleenrite to do the cleaning before moving in.
Here are 5 Tips for Moving-in Cleaning
Moving in cleaning involves quite a few steps, but with some elbow grease and maybe another pair of helping hands, you should be able to get your place looking like new in just a day or two depending on the size of the property. To help you get started, here are a few tips.
Before cleaning the low, clean the high
The ceiling and other things that are high should be the first things you should clean. If it’s a pre-furnished home you could have shelves, fans, and other electrical installations. Clean them, dust and remove the cobwebs. Do these across the rooms.
Caution: Safety first, ensure that all electrical connections are turned off, preferably from the main electric box.
Clean the Windows
Techniques used in cleaning the windows are different from the floors, so you must be knowledgeable about these techniques if you want to get the best clean for your windows.
Firstly while planning to clean the window of your new house make sure that it’s done during the cooler hours of the day or when it’s not sunny. The reason is to prevent streaks on the window glasses because the window cleaner would dry up faster before wiping off which will lead to hard-to-remove streaks, and that is going to increase the time spent cleaning a particular window. You might consider cleaning other parts of the house if you find yourself cleaning the windows when it’s sunny.
In the next article, we will be sharing some mistakes you shouldn’t make when cleaning the windows
Clean the Kitchen Zink
The kitchen zink is probably the most used kitchen/household equipment and can be the dirtiest. If this part of the kitchen is not properly cleaned, the house might just not smell fresh. Here is how to clean your sink: Start by coating the wet sink in baking soda and adding a little dish soap and hot water to your sponge.
Whenever you scrub a sink, start with the sides of the basin and work your way down, pushing any grime directly into the drain. Keep adding soap and water as needed or until the surface is scum-free.
Clean the Toilet
Begin by applying toilet cleaner to the bowl, and allow it to soak for 15-20 minutes. Within 15 – 20 minutes use the time to spray the other part of the toilet with disinfectant. Then scrub and clean the exterior. By now the bowl would have been well soaked, use your toilet brush to clean the bowl and rinse thoroughly.
With this simple technique, you can be sure of bringing about that sparkling new feel to your toilet.
Clean the floors
For a deep clean, mix 6-7 drops of mild detergent (dish soap is usually fine) with one gallon of warm or hot water. Use the mixture to dampen a mop, and clean the floor in sections.
Action Point
We understand there are different reasons for relocation, but one common part of relocation is that deep cleaning is always required and Kleenrite is the best plug for home cleaning services. Ease yourself of the daunting task of cleaning, let us handle it!
Click here to schedule an assessment of your new accommodation.