Category: Home Cleaning

5 Ways to Make Chores Interesting During Children’s Vacation

Children are lovely to have around, their smiles are priceless, their cries arouse our emotions, and they have no fear and believe anything is achievable regardless of what’s around them.

For several parents, kids are a good nightmare, despite how disorganized they can be. It pure joy for a parent to see their kid happy and play in a safe environment. Now that the holidays are here, kids are going to spend more hours in the house.

How prepared are you to experience a vacation with your kids; just before you decide on sending your children to their grandparents or relatives, we have some house cleaning exercise to keep your kids busy and productive.

The good book advises training kids the way they should go so that they will not depart from what they have learnt from you. Here at Kleenrite, we support the introduction to cleaning at an early age, kids should know how to tidy their rooms. So, how about we showing you some vacations chores for your kids?

5 Ways to Make Chores Interesting During Children’s Vacation

We must warn that in assigning chores, you have to be realistic, but if you are a perfectionist your standard might not be met. But on the other hand, any help is worth something – right?  So here’s some advice we have learnt along the way.


  1. Give them Basic Instructions with a Time Limit

Most kids they don’t like hearing their parents or guardian saying ‘tidy up your room’ especially if they are about watching their favourite cartoon show on TV, the task seems to them as overpowering – they get confused wondering where they should start from?

Clear instruction like ‘Put all your toys away before 12noon’, or ‘Put your dirty cloth in the laundry basket’, will help more know what to do at a given time. This approach applies to teenagers – yet before long, one task day by day to clear a messy room will soon seem less difficult to handle.


  1. Choose the Right Chores for the Right Age

It is a known fact that children can be clumsy, they are don’t pay attention to details. In other to make cleaning interesting for them, choose the chores based on age, older kids can be more careful. You will be shooting yourself in the foot if you assign chores beyond their capability.

It is better to have your children start from the less complex task, then train them up to do more complex tasks. For instance, you can’t expect a 2-year-old kid to mop your floor clean, you will end up doing the mopping all over again!


  1. Show empathy and a lot of encouragement

Children like to take pride in what they do, so be kind enough to thank and encourage them, please don’t expect perfection, especially when they are doing the task for the first time.

Children can provoke you sometimes but don’t try to make cleaning or any other chores a punishment for an offence they had committed as they will get discouraged and you will never get a willing participant, they will do it grudgingly. The result of cleaning under the condition is not always desirable and this can piss you off too.


  1. Make Cleaning Fun

Well, we love cleaning, yet for kids, you can spice up the task with music and singing. A little bit of entertainment while doing the chores makes it fun, get the kids to sing along as they carry out the task you have assigned. By doing they will not get bored or tire out easily.

Be creative with your spice of entertainment bearing in mind the kind of task you have assigned, it not advisable to have your little one dancing on a slippery or wet floor, that is not safe! Safety first is the number one rule here. So you need to think about the safest way to make cleaning fun for the kids.


  1. Prize

You can seldom attach a prize to some house chores. Yes, it good to verbally appreciate your children for their efforts but giving them something to show for their efforts can be a motivation for the next cleaning task.

Even though most of the chores will be done by the little ones, we advise that you also have a schedule, so that you can also supervise what they are doing, teens may require less supervision.


Action point

When you ask your kids to do the house chore, you are simply saying you trust them to do the house chore; once they can understand that you trust them, your children have more confidence they will feel more motivated to complete the weekly chores and be more independent, they will probably start suggesting new tasks they can take responsibility for like cleaning the furniture.

Remember you are developing an important skill in their lives, soon these little kids you see will leave for higher institutions where you will not be there to clean or look after them, but with this, you are teaching them how to look after themselves!

Need tips on how to clean your home? Or you need a professional cleaner to do a deep cleaning of your home? Call us today on 08036208815 or send us an email at [email protected]



6 Home Cleaning Hacks for a Germ-Free Home

A dirty, cluttered home is a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, dirt, insects, and rodents. These can cause both long and short term health issues for you and your family. For the well-being of those you care about most, it’s important to keep your house clean and healthy, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional cleaning service.

6 Home Cleaning Hacks for a Germ-Free Home

Today we are going to share six simple things you can do to ensure you keep germs, dirt, and pest out of your home

1. Start Your Day by Laying Your Bed

This might appear to be a pointless task, yet having your bed laid assists with keeping your sheets liberated from the residues or specks of dust that buoys through the air the entire day. It additionally has a colossal effect on the general appearance of your bedroom. Having a clean and well-arranged room can help make you have a better sleep.

Peradventure you like having breakfast or snack in bed, food crumbs can be on your bed sheet, which attracts crawling insects like ants and cockroaches. But by laying your bed, you are dusting away those that would have attracted insects to your room.


2. Floor care

This is the most important area of home cleaning, this is where every cleaning services are accessed. Its poses are a major safety hazard when not properly cleaned. Many home accidents have been caused by tripping over a wet floor and other objects.

Dirt on the floor not only makes the entire room look messed up. If you happen to have a family consisting of little children or aged, they may have difficulty walking, they will be prone to injuries this is particularly important in preventing trip and fall injuries.

3. Empty Trash from your Home Every Night

Your trash bin should be outside your home, most residential apartments have their waste bin at their main gate. Keeping trash in your home overnight is like a ‘VIP ticket’ for germs and other crawling pests to come cohabitate.

You don’t need anyone to tell you that air in homes that keep wastes overnight will not smell fresh. It is also the most common cause of smells that can take over a room in a few hours, even the air fresher can disappoint if you keep heaping your waste bin.

Taking your trash out every night will ensure you a breath of fresh air every morning.


4. Wash Dishes Every Night

Make it a habit for washing dishes every night. Like we have suggested disposing of the trash, washing dishes keep insects and rodents away from the kitchen, and reduces the chance of unpleasant odour.

If you are blessed to have a dishwasher, run the cycle before you go to bed and allow the dishes to dry overnight before rearranging them in the rack.

If you wash by hand, allow the wash dishes to dry completely before putting them in the dish rack. Putting hand-washed dishes away in the morning keeps them free of dust and other airborne germs throughout the day.


5. Clean up

Having dirt creates areas for germs to breed and critters to hide. Going through the things you have accumulated each month and disposing of things you have not used helps to keep your home clean and organized.

Plan a day of the month to deep clean your home, thrash all the waste properly; separate the recyclable waste from the non-biodegradable ones.

This way you are not only keeping the germs away but making the climate a lot safer for everyone. If you are too busy with other things, request the service of a professional cleaner.


6. Set up an Everyday Cleaning Timetable

To ensure you keep up on the level of cleaning expected to ensure your house is a healthy place to live, a day by day cleaning timetable can be a smart thought. For instance, you can schedule days you are likely to spend more hours moping of the floor and find other days for glass cleaning and dusting.

The most important aspect of a cleaning schedule is being disciplined enough to keep them, make sure your schedule works well for you!


Action point

If you want to keep your home clean year-round, A Kleenrite is an award-winning cleaning company with over 30 years of experience serving businesses and homes in Nigeria. Read our testimonial, then call us for a cleaning assessment of your home today.

Let us help you keep your home healthy every day with regular cleanings or deep cleaning services, so you can focus on the tasks and relationships that are most important to you

7 Spots you are forgetting to Clean

Dirts build up due to different factors, but we all know that cleaning is a necessity if we want to live and work in a health environment. When you walk into a room, it’s usually easy to see what needs to be cleaned up. There’s a pile of dirty laundry just waiting to be done; or the kitchen sink is piled with dirty dishes, pots, and pans.

But once the obvious things are cleaned away, do you forget about the rest of the room? Take a look at seven places you’re forgetting to clean during your cleaning routine.

7 Spots you are forgetting to Clean

In this article, we are distinguishing some piece of the house you frequently give up while doing your standard home cleaning task.


  1. Under of Furniture

At the point when you look under a bed or couch there are dust and residues moving around that can be immediately caught with a vacuum or residue mop. Yet, did you set aside the effort to take a gander at the real lower part of the furniture piece? You might be stunned at what you discover dust clinging between the bed frames, chairs/couch and table supports.

Utilize your vacuum and a duster to remove of cobwebs residue and grime in any at least twice each year.


  1. Walls and Baseboards

Residue and grime can stick to vertical surfaces just as level ones. If you want to know how dirty the walls are, simply open the window curtains or blinds and turn on all the lights and you will be surprised  at how discolored your walls are. This applies to walls with wallpapers you will find significant dust residues hiding.

To clean the walls, start at the highest point of the wall and work down while using a duster that traps particles. Clean continuously until the stray marks are no longer visible to the eyes from different angles. Also take a good look at the light switches and door handles because it’s often the last part we clean so that you will not be soiling the mentioned spot all over again.

Finish the wall cleaning by focusing on baseboards. We have realized that a good measure of residue can gather on those minuscule edges. In rooms like kitchens and showers where there is greater moistness, you’ll presumably have to wipe the baseboards down with a moistened towel because the dampness in the kitchen and showers would have turned the residue into soil that sticks to the surface.


  1. Tops of Cabinets, Doors, and Picture Frames

At the point when you’re cleaning, take a good look upward, especially places that are beyond your reach. You may see more dust than you will like. When things are beyond our sight we tend not to keep them in mind. Regularly clean the top of doors and picture frames, kitchen cabinet and ceiling edges

While doing these, check the light fittings and ceiling fans. For this task, duster fixed to an extendable handle is the most suitable for removing cobwebs and dirts. Otherwise, utilize a clean microfiber material and secure it to a brush or mop handle with an elastic band.


  1. Air Filters and Vents

In the event that your home has heaters or air conditioners, there are openings on the ventilation system that dispenses hot or cold air to the home. After a while these filters become clogged with dust which in turn affects the quality of air, and reduces the life span of the ventilation system itself.

While you’re changing the air filters, be sure to clean the vent grinds also. You’ll breath-in cleaner air and have less dust in the house.


  1. Closet Floors

This is most obvious when a wardrobe/closet is being cleared out. The garments are packed together, the racks are heaped high and things fall on you when you open the entryway.

Yet, when was the last time you cleaned the genuine storage room including the floor? Storeroom floors–particularly in the event that they are covered can get dusty and grimy from the external soil got by shoes. The floor covering can turn into a favorable place for form and mold and creepy crawlies like rug scarabs that then chow down on your number one garments.

At any rate occasionally, haul everything out of storage rooms and give the space an intensive cleaning. It’s additionally the ideal chance to remove and give all those things you don’t actually require and store the rest appropriately.


  1. Vacuum Cleaners and Cleaning Tools

When you leave your cleaning tools uncleansed after use, you will end up spreading the dirts that had already be cleaned again. All used cleaning tools are going to be leave behind dirts except if wash, you cannot get anything cleaned without getting something else, in this case, your cleaning tools gets dirty for you to have spots cleaned.

A quick question for you – When was the last time thoroughly clean your vacuum, mop or scouring brushes?

For vacuum cleaners upon trashing disposable bags, the debris cup should be washed in hot and soapy water once in a month. Check the turning bars and brushes and eliminate any tangled strings or hair.

All mop heads and scouring brushes should be cleaned with boiling water and a disinfectant cleaner after each use. With will improve cleaning result with cleaner tools.


  1. Indoor Plants

Regardless of whether your indoor plants are live or artificial, they can amass an astonishing measure of dust. Most live plants cleaned while watering them. A moistened microfiber mater is then used to wipe down each leaf.

Artificial plants can likewise be “tidied” with a material or by taking them outside and utilizing a hairdryer set on chill to blow the residue. To light up individual stems of silk greenery or blooms, place them in a paper sack with a lot of table salt or baking soda.

Give the plant a decent shake and a significant part of the dirt will stay in the salt or baking soda. Wrap up by cleaning off any buildup with a cool hairdryer prior to placing it back inside.

Action point

As highlighted in this article, we hope this will help you have a cleaner looking house or office, at Kleenrite, we believe it’s not cleaned unless its spotless, little wonder our client say we ‘clean above others’. Contact us today for your home and office deep cleaning services.

Do-It-Yourself Home Cleaning Checklist Part 2

This is the concluding part of the DIY home cleaning checklist, the first part of the checklist focused on kitchen cleaning. The kitchen is a special room in the house and requires special attention because it’s where the food we eat is made.

Please take a moment to read through before reading this part if you haven’t read it before.

This checklist is designed to help you have less stressful cleaning experience, feel free to share your thoughts at the end of this post.


There are several rooms in the home; having discussed kitchen cleaning checklist in the last article, we are going to talk about the other rooms in the house.