COMMERCIAL CLEANING: 6 Precautionary Measures for Hospital Cleaning Duties

Amongst the jobs we have in Nigeria, cleaning duties is one which does not require a particular educational qualification or requirement. It’s one of those job/duties that you can learn while watching others do it. You don’t need to read a Cambridge textbook before you understand basic techniques for cleaning!

However, Cleaning in the hospital is peculiar and one must take some precautionary measure if you want to achieve the best cleaning result. When cleaning in the hospital, you should also keep yourself safe from infection.

COMMERCIAL CLEANING: 6 Precautionary Measures for Hospital Cleaning Duties

With this article, we are going to share 6 precautionary measures while cleaning a hospital/health centre/clinic.

5 Types of Mops Ideal for Home and Office Cleaning

Have you ever had a reason to visit a market or store and on getting there you got confused about what to buy? Perhaps, on getting to a store you realised you don’t have enough money to get what you want? There are times when we buy things thinking it’s something we need only to discover you don’t need them or you have overpaid for a particular product.

Our reactions to the aforementioned scenarios may vary from one person to the other, but if we are to take a sample, majority of us will not be happy overpaying for something or buy things they don’t need.

We are a cleaning company and we help you with tips and articles on how to stay neat every time. So this article is a guide to getting the right equipment for your cleaning activities. We would consider one of the commonly used cleaning tools – the mop.

The Mop is a cleaning tool that consists of a bundle of thick loose strings or a sponge attached to a handle used for wiping floors or other surfaces. This tool is easy to use and you don’t need to read a long line of text containing the ‘how to use’ before you can use them effectively.

5 Secret Hotspots for Germs in the Office

Germs are disease-causing organisms; according to biology, germs are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Whatever language it’s being called, what we know is that they are harmful to humans and animals.

Germs are not a respecter of persons or locations; they can be found everywhere because they are majorly airborne, and can easily penetrate any part of the home or offices. In a previous article, we have mentioned some tips to keep your home and office clean and hygienic.

We sometimes take a sparkling clean surface as safe and hygienic; forgetting that germs can hide anywhere. In this article, we are going to be sharing with you 5 places where germs can be found in the offices.

EVERYDAY CLEANLINESS: How to Minimize Dust in Your Office

Offices are places where you work; a place where you make ends meet. How your office look is about what you put in it.

Depending on your kind of work, basic office furniture like tables and chairs can be found in office space – the more sophisticated jobs require more sophisticated office fittings. Gadgets like the computer, AC units, televisions, CCTV, printers, copiers are some of the things you will always find in offices owned by bigger organisations.

Having all these equipments puts you in a good light with your visitors/customers, but when you don’t give them the cleaning it requires the once shinning office environment will look dull. And some of the gadgets could even spoil on time if not well cleaned.

How to Minimize Dust in Your Office

This article aims to address the impact of dust in offices and its preventive measures, as we can tell for a fact that 70% of the specks of dirt we find in the offices are dust-related.

EVERYDAY CLEANLINESS: How To Minimize Dusts in Your Home

A number of persons are also allergic to dust. But you will always see dust everywhere. Vehicles, tables, floors, gadgets are all prone to dusts because you cannot do without air, and you need it to breathe.

Aside from the fact that dust reduces the shine of any surface where they are found, when inhaled it can cause catarrh and other respiratory health hazards. Whichever way we want to look at dusts, it has no good effect on you.

So the best we can do is to put up measures to reduce its effect on our environment.

EVERYDAY CLEANLINESS: How To Minimize Dusts in Your Home

In this article we will share some practical steps to minimize dusts in your home. At Kleenrite, we’ve used these techniques to a great effect (part of the reason we are a trusted cleaning service company); take a few minutes to go through this article. Trust you will be amazed at the ‘little’ things you can do to reduce dust, No.4 stands out!

6 Cleaning Mistakes You Probably Don’t Realize You’re Making

Imagine looking at your calendar and you realised it’s another Friday only to see how disorganised and dirty looking your home looks like? Rather than anticipate a work-free weekend, you are there bothered about how you are going to give your home the clean and fresh look it deserves when you get back from work.

Most people wait till the end of the week to get down to the business of home cleaning, which is quite understandable, as this might be due to workload.

You know cleaning is not so big deal with us at Kleenrite, it’s a passion, and all we want for you always is a clean and healthy environment.

Even though we enjoy handling the cleaning of your homes and offices, we know you sometimes will like to do little cleaning yourself. While doing these ‘little cleaning’ we have noticed some mistakes our clients make while doing self-cleaning, possibly you also have been making the same mistakes.

Not to worry then, we are sharing with you 6 cleaning mistakes you are probably making; the 5th mistake is probably the most common.

Enjoy reading!

PEST CONTROL: 5 Practical Steps to Keep Pests Away From Offices and Homes

Of all the things you want to welcome guests or clients with, no one will want to welcome guests with crawling insects. That’s why homes and offices are places that need to be kept clean at all times. And there are some practical steps to keep pests away from offices and homes, but many are unaware of them.

It wouldn’t be good to see you chasing after cockroaches, rats, spiders, ant and mosquitoes when you sight your guests coming. It might look like a funny scene but it doesn’t put you well in the mind of your guests, it simply shows you are dirty and unhygienic!

The activities of Pest are not one that meets the eyes, to some, eradicating pest from the home or office is impossible, but we say it’s actually possible.

PEST CONTROL: 5 Practical Steps to Keep Pests Away From Offices and Homes

Our over 25 years’ experience in Home and Industrial cleaning have helped us master the art of pest control. In this article, we will share just 5 practical steps to keep pests away from offices and homes.


10 Common Professional Cleaning Tools And Their Specific Functions

How can we talk about cleaning without mentioning the professional cleaning tools needed to get the cleaning done. Ask someone to help you clean something, the response you will most likely get is: “what should I use in cleaning”?

If you have the professional cleaning tools required for cleaning, you should get the result you want. We mean a sparkling clean floor if it’s the floor you are cleaning or a clear screen surface if it’s a TV you are cleaning.

Depending on what you want to be cleaned, you need specific professional cleaning tools to get the best result. In this article we analyse some professional cleaning equipment and their uses.

Trust, this is going to be a good read for you, you will be surprised at what the No.7 tools can do.

5 Precautionary Measures for Safe Cleaning Experience

Why should you even bother about precautionary measures for safe cleaning? Because your life depends on it!

It is a general belief that health is wealth, while some people might want to argue this. We will eventually come to a point where we establish that it is nearly impossible to enjoy wealth when the organs of the human body aren’t functioning properly.

And cleanliness is one of the several factors that promote healthy living. However, cleaning is carried out in different ways, with every individual having a different motivation for maintaining a clean environment.

As you already know, at Kleenrite, we ensure that our clients have a clean environment to work and live, leaving you with germs free environment.

5 Things That Makes A Good Professional Cleaning Service Company

Cleaning services are one that cuts across everything we do daily, we wake up to clean our homes, wash the dishes, tidy up our rooms, clear our office desk and workspace.

In reality, everyone is a cleaner, just that not everyone is a professional cleaner. A career in cleaning might not be most glamorous of all, but it’s one of the most important jobs of all.

Take an instance of doing a post construction cleaning; this task will be difficult and time-consuming if you are to do it all by yourself.

What this means is that you will have to get a reputable cleaning service company to help you do the cleaning while you focus on other things. It is expected that the company you are contracting for your cleaning have all the tools needed for the effective cleaning.

At Kleenrite, we offer general cleaning, fumigation, waste management, janitorial services, pest control, and deployment of cleaners to corporate entities and homes.